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South Carolina law requires a full high school credit to be 120 hours of work with a passing grade. That time is easy to spend in a public school, but home school requires home work.


Some of the homework requires, what we call, "administrivia." That is, work that must be done, but isn't terribly challenging. Often these assignments are self-explanatory but may require reading the assignment in detail. Some of these will be like "make sure you have installed this program" or "turn in this assignment in Google Classroom." Not completing a simple assignment results in zeroes for homework grades.

Typing (aka Keyboarding)

Some of the homework will be assigned typing practice. We expect that new students in this class can find the keyboard part of the computer, and would have a low typing speed. By the end of the school year, if they keep up with their typing homework, they will become very efficient.

Why teach typing?
  • Faster typing speed helps all other high school and college homework complete faster
  • Typing is a professional skill that everyone should have, especially highly paid office workers
  • Typing proficiency produces improved test scores on computerized tests
  • It creates more confidence with a computer and less frustration


Some of the homework will be quizzes or questionnaires to reinforce knowledge. Many of them will be "open googling," meaning, anything short of copying the answer directly from the internet is fair game. Most of these quizzes will be asking questions about what we discussed in class.


We may have a few medium-sized projects using office software. These will be a little bit fun, and a little bit challenging. This being our first year, we aren't fully sure what will happen, but we are thinking about creating a spreadsheet budget and making & presenting a slideshow.